
Hello and welcome to my blog!

My name is Diana and I am quite a jumble of things. First and foremost, I am a completely helpless romanticist—I just can’t help but romanticize every aspect of my life, it’s frankly how I keep alive (I’m maybe a bit dramatic too?). I am also a writer. I write poetry on Tumblr (a-pen-and-some-words.tumblr.com) and Instagram (@a_pen_and_some_words) and hope to someday publish a collection of my works, as well as an independent novel. I love all things fashion and interior design, especially when it comes to minimalism. I worship art and artistic expression—whatever that may look like—and take in inspiration like I do air. I am my absolute happiest when I am creating. For me, that usually means writing, painting (I’m no Picasso, but it’s cathartic), or capturing beautiful images.

I started this blog for myself to showcase my photography and exercise my writing without the pressure, constant comparison, unrealistic expectations, and limitations I felt from other social media platforms. Having said that, for anyone who happens to find their way onto these digital pages of photographs and ramblings, I do hope you enjoy! x